Diabetes Type 2 is not just affecting obese or overweight people!

This is something that I have done much research on since I have an underlying weakness in my gene pool for Type 2 diabetes.

My Father, his grandmother and great-grandmother were all Type 2 diabetics and underwent periods in their life where they suffered due to this, resulting in ongoing health issues which in most cases resulted in the amputation of feet, legs, and toes, as well as affecting their eyesight.

Something that was quite disturbing for me as I had grown up with a diabetic father and we had all followed as a family very specific nutrition advice from diabetic doctors and specialists.  Information we found years later was incorrect, escalated the issues, and moved my father from metformin to insulin injects within 10 years.  This 10-year period was predicted by specialist doctors and no solution or way of reversing this lifestyle disease was given.  It was literally a death sentence for people, harsh I know but it is how my father felt at the age of 30.

How do you live with this sort of issue as a young person, when no matter what you do from a nutrition standpoint helps?  Well, this was what we thought, and I wish I knew then what I know now as my father would still be here with us.

I read both the ‘The Obesity Code, Unlocking the secret of weight loss’, by Jason Fung and ‘Reversing Type Two Diabeticby Prof Roy Taylor and this both angered me and set me free with what I learnt.  I hope this research will open others’ eyes to the possibilities of reversing the horrific disease.

Some of the main things I learnt are as follows:

  1. Everyone has a personal Fat Threshold – This means that a person could be within a perfect BMI ratio, but their body still had too much visceral fat (organ fat) for their bodies, therefore resulting in Type 2 diabetes.  So, a seemingly slim person could be diabetic, and an overweight person may not be, this is down to, different PFT (Personal Fat thresholds).
  2. The perfect weight for most people if they were relatively healthy in their 20s should be the weight, they aim for throughout their lives.
  3. The visceral fat (around organs) is what causes lifestyle diseases like Type two diabetes.  And getting rid of this is what reverses these conditions.  You should work alongside your medical professional to keep a check on your levels and the amount of medication you are taking, as you aim to lose this fat.
  4. Keeping your Glucose intake down in the form of a low Carb Nutrition plan is the best way to remedy the Visceral fat tissue.  While giving your body time to repair and not be focused solely on reducing glucose levels and bringing down your Insulin levels.
  5. Learning about your own body and what triggers glucose rises in your body is crucial.  No one person in the same and different foods affect people differently.
  6. Once you come to terms with the fact that you are an individual and not the same as someone else you will learn to listen to your own body and find what is healthy and right for you.
  7. Knowledge is power and there are many amazing doctors and medical professionals who will be willing to work with you to ensure that you safely make this transition.  You just need to ask the question and find the right medical professional to work with you.

These two books are a must to read if this is something that you suffer with or find other family members suffering.  These gene weaknesses can affect you and knowing about them can help you and your family and friends. Please share this information with others as more people need to know that their are solutions!!!

Claire Sankey

I am passionate about looking after my body by eating clean and healthy! Want to know what sorts of foods I now include in my daily eating and what simple recipes I have created to keep it interesting? This is what I would love to share with you.

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